How it Works

What Makes Farts Explode?

It's real science!

A fart is just colonic gas forcefully exiting your anus.

There are 2 kinds of farts: Smelly Farts and Not-So-Smelly Farts.

The Smelly Farts contain a lot of methane gas. It's this gas that carries the smelly molecules through the air. Coincidentally, methane is highly explosive!

The Not-So-Smelly Farts are mainly composed of room air. They don't smell or explode.

The idea behind the Fart Shooter (which is patented!) is to collect the smelly fart, ignite it, and launch a missile.

Fun for the whole family!

Farting Tip No. 1

Only smelly farts will work.

Remember, "It must smell to propel!"

Non-stinky farts? Get your fart powder here.

Farty Foods

These foods are guaranteed to make normal people fart like a donkey.

Fart Shooter Fart Powder


Broccoli, cauliflower & cabbage

Fatty foods (pork & beef)





Sweet fruits

Tips for Great Results

Farting Tip No. 2

Be sure to collect your fart ONLY, and not room air. That means you must pull the plunger out ONLY while farting. This takes a some trial & error.